Saturday, December 23, 2006

Episode #1: Be Not Discouraged

Christmas audio drama from CTD Productions. First released in December 2006.

It's Christmas time, and in the Irish town of Killarney a young girl named Kassie O'Leary is sure that the Lord has been speaking to her heart about witnessing to the lost.  When she gets started, it isn't as simple as she expected.

I wrote this almost two years ago, so there are of course things I wish I had done differently or left out.




Anonymous said...

This touched MY heart to witness to others more. Thank you, Jacob! *applause*

Anonymous said...

Hello there!
I just listened to "Christmas in Killarney," and really enjoyed it. It was very encouraging, especially since we do a lot of witnessing over here in Almere. I constantly have to remind myself to not be discouraged when people don't take my tracts. They rejected our Saviour as well. "He came unto his own, and his own received him not." John 1:11
Thanks so much! Keep up the good work! =)
In Christ,
Lydia H.

Caleb said...

Thanks for the nice comments, Lydia. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I read your's and your sister's blogs from time to time. I especially like it when you write about the Kamps. We miss them a lot over here!
God bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Caleb!
When I saw Renae's link to your blog, I figured it must be you, but I didn't want to "blow your cover" by writing your name. lol =D
It's nice to know that you read our blogs. Sometimes I wonder why I even post things, so it was encouraging to hear that. =)
The Kamps kids talk about you guys a lot, and I know that they miss you all too. I know how they feel. All my friends and family are back in NY. It gets lonely on the mission field sometimes. Won't it be wonderful to be in Heaven and have no oceans separating people?! Wow, what a thought! =)
Well, I've got to get moving now. I'm going to listen to the other recordings you all made today. I'm very interested.
In Christ,

Anonymous said...

P.S. Mind if I add you to my link list?

Caleb said...

No, I don't mind at all if you add me to your link list.

I can imagine how lonely it can get on the mission field. We have some cousins who are missionaries to Mexico, and we haven't seen them for over seven years!
My cousin, Brent Karding, was over there in Europe a little while ago on a missions trip. And he sure had a lot to tell when he got back home. We certainly need to be praying for our missionaries!
God bless,

Anonymous said...

Moses and the Ark, that's funny!