Saturday, June 7, 2008

Episode #5: Encyclopedia Brown: The Case of Natty Nat

Ever heard of Encyclopedia Brown? It's a series of books written for children by Donald J. Sobol. It features a ten-year-old Sherlock Holmes type of boy who solves many baffling mysteries. To quote from the book: "Meet the world's greatest boy sleuth. Match wits with the #1 Sherlock Holmes in sneakers and find out if you're a super sleuth too!"

We have adapted the very first story from the first book ("Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective"). It's called "The Case of Natty Nat". And are we going to adapt more of the Encyclopedia Brown stories? Well, that depends on what you listeners want. If you enjoy this first story, we'll probably do some more. Anyway, stop reading this and listen to the program!

Starring Aaron Thiessen




Anonymous said...

Nice!!! I'm having a dilly bar right now man!!!

Anonymous said...

Great! I hope you do more!

Anonymous said...

how do you download it????

Caleb said...

Sorry, this might be a little late to answer your query, Tim, but to download an mp3 of a story to you just go to left hand side of the screen (same side the polls are on) and under the section called "Previous Shows" you can download the file from there.

Unknown said...

I LOVE EB!Make more!

Caleb said...

Hey, Austin Peachey! Thanks for your comment! If you look at the top of this post you can see that we made this EB almost a year ago. At the time I was planning on doing one more at least, but it didn't seem to be as popular as our other programs, so we kinda canned it, I guess you could say. We might make more in the future, it's hard to say. I'm really busy on other productions right now. But in the meantime, listen to our other productions, and tell us what you think!

Hmmm.... I was looking at your profile and saw you are interested in writing, and audio editing. It's just a thought, but would you possibly be willing to work on EB stories if we were to make anymore? CTD Productions is always looking for more people to be involved. As I said, it's just a thought... let me know what you think.

JB, Producer of CTD Productions

P.S. I know a little about you from theToO. I'm an invisible reader of the forum :D . And I totally love AIO! Can't wait for the hiatus to be done! Yay! (oh, and in case you think I'm an old man... I'm not. :) I'm only three years older than you are.)